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Friday, July 10, 2009


The article 377 has been amended and of course the hardcore christian will have some worries concerning this, particularly because the Bible has a negative stance about 'unnatural acts'. Agreed that homosexuality is not in with the natural instincts of the majority. Let's say that it is one of nature's aberrations, but even so, it seems to be not a small population with the homosexual inclinations, be it among human or the animal world! 

Maybe we can think more clearly on this matter if we think on it a bit laterally.
If out of 10 children a mother has one abnormal child, (could be any abnormality.., say mental retardation) would it be proper for the mother to expect that child to behave like the other 9 do? Abnormalities are a 'normal' phenomenon in nature. And the behaviour that such a child shows is "natural". The abnormal child can, and has to be allowed to be his/her natural self, because it cannot be altered! And it cannot, in any way, be criminal to be born abnormal. 

Thinking in parallel terms, sexual instincts are, largely, inherent, and cannot be developed or influenced upon (mostly). As long as it is inherent, it is 'natural' though not 'normal' natural instinct.

Not criminalising homosexuality means accepting it as an aberration, rather than crime. However, while we accept aberrations, celebrating it  can make it appear to be a normal social behaviour rather than an aberration. In my personal opinion, it may not be desirable to celebrate an aberration of nature even though we spare it any judgement, specially because it could give the wrong message to influenceable young minds. Take for example how excessive freedom in society has led to new, previously unheard of, identifications arising in society. Transracial, trans-abled and what not. Some of them say they remember that they were that way in a previous lifetime. I wouldn't argue with that, but isn't it important to live the current lifetime in the manner we chose to be born?

Maybe now we can understand why the scriptures kept sexuality in black and white. It's because freedom without discretion can lead to chaos. 

Perhaps we should rethink how far our education system is successful in enabling youngsters to think clearly and rationally.  How much importance are we giving to teaching thinking skills? Can our children understand the difference between accepting their natural inclinations and allowing the monkey-mind to flit about unrestrained? Or are we still like our ancestors who needed to keep aberrations under the carpet to prevent it from becoming an epidemic?

1 comment:

Jovy Thomas said...

That is a great viewpoint.

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