The Awake ; It represents the opening out to the field of cosmic intelligence. The point through which this opening or attuning happens is the Sahastra Chakra. Its name means "thousand petal lotus”. This attuning can happen after a period of focused meditation of love towards the devine
The Sahastra or Crown Chakra is located at the crown or top of the head (baby's soft spot). It is the opening to the universe- to the highest consciousness or the spiritual self. It is connected with upper brain (cerebral cortex) and is also associated with the pineal gland (third eye)
This is where the interlocking happens between the mortal and the divine. The mind is no longer contained within the head, it expands. Just as the interconnections between the left and right brain leads to communication between the logical and the emotive faculties (left and right); the chakra at which the connection is made is such a similar interlocking of the mind to the higher intelligence.
The energy travels through this connection in a clockwise or anticlockwise spiralling motion and is converted by the glands for the physical development (as of brain functions) and personal growth (spiritual qualities like unconditional love). It's like opening a window in the mind, letting in the refreshing outside air. In fact better breathing is similar in effect in bringing about wholesome development and is a part of the yogic approach to spiritual growth.
The opening of this chakra, the inflow of divine energy is like the scattering of seeds on fertile land (just as Jesus explained in a parable about the Kingdom of God being like a farmer scattering seeds). The seed is not seen and the implications of the event may not be understood by the seeker, until with added years,the seeds sprout, the plants are noticed, the flowers bloom and the smell emanates to all. It's only then that the seeker realizes, to have in fact woken up to the Kingdom
"...They sprouted, grew, and produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted!" (Mark Ch 4)
Oh, I love this description of the chakra! Beautifully expressed, Jerly!
A post that connects material and spiritual world and very well written:)
My friend Jerly,
I can truly say I learn something from you today. Very, very well written. You impress me my dear.
Now, somebody explain in minute detail how Chakra works. With impressive illustrations to compliment.
Spiritual blindness depends though in what a person believe. A person maybe called Awaken by certain group but not to another. One may claim spiritual connections but were considered backslider by others.
So about the story of the seed by Jesus. People reacts differently on each Words. Some fell by the way side, other on fertile grounds, other among thorns...Awakening therefore depends.
Now, somebody explain in minute detail how Chakra works. With impressive illustrations to compliment.
Spiritual blindness depends though in what a person believe. A person maybe called Awaken by certain group but not to another. One may claim spiritual connections but were considered backslider by others.
So about the story of the seed by Jesus. People reacts differently on each Words. Some fell by the way side, other on fertile grounds, other among thorns...Awakening therefore depends.
Thanks Martha, Rahul, Andy and Fher. I just noticed that this happens to be my 100th post!!!!
Fher;Yeah people react differently to the Word; and this attuning is the reaction of the fertile land, people who meditate intently on their love for God and find that they have opened their inward eye into the kingdom
Love it this is beautiful and poignant.
What a beautiful description of the Chakra. I had no idea of this, so this has been a wonderful learning experience for me. Thank you for sharing!
I forgot to mention in my comment before, congratulations on your 100th post! May the ink in your pen never run dry and you write hundreds upon hundreds more posts. Well done!
For now though, how about making it 101 posts by adding your thoughts to the Lovers' Cove Challenge?
Oh Jerly, I pray daily for a 100 fold harvest. Not 30, not 60, but 100. It comes from abiding in the Vine.
If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. John 15:7.
It’s about union with the Divine. That’s how we bear fruit.
..sheer writing...loved every word.. mystical.. :)
This is very enlightening Jerly. We've been often talked to about the chakra but never have we dealt with it so deeply the way you did. I loved how you connected it with God's word :)
I read through several of your posts and this is the one that captured me the most, and the one I decided to comment on. (I'm visiting in response to your comments over at Derek's Home & Business Blog, on my 3-part series on Social Media Management, btw.)
You provided such a succinct, well crafted description of the Chakra energies and their purpose with the physical and energetic bodies! I worked as a massage therapist for several years in the 1990s and energy work was my specialty. While I no longer practice as a massage therapist, I still do energy work and enjoy it greatly.
Wonderful post!
- Dawn
Thank U Dawn. I am really Happy u took out time to read my posts and found this post interesting and well described. means a lot :)
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