• http://www.amazon.com/The-Thomases-Road-Realization-ebook/dp/B009BATQUA/

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Chapter 5- A Better Harvest

- “As you sow, so shall you reap” 


Seven thinking skills 


1. Every teaching has a context 

2. Understand your behaviour 

3. Accepting imperfections 

4. Social norms are not the be-all and end-all

5. How to seek support

6. Dominant does not mean superior 

7. Tolerance is a virtue until it is not.



After writing my book "Navigating Relationships" in 2020 and attempting to

promote it through videos on content related to skills that could be included in

schools and colleges, I realized the difficulty of creating a curriculum for

Navigating Relationships. While some colleges do incorporate 'holistic

education' into their curriculum, I have come to know that it is often perceived

as boring. I understand that not all students may understand the relevance, but

just like with other subjects, there can be an effort to make the syllabus

engaging. I want the classes to be not only informative but also captivating.

The seven thinking skills should be taught in each class, with increasing levels

of complexity, mirroring how other subjects are typically taught. 


Now, let me delve into the first aspect that I've suggested should be taught. It revolves

around the response to a fundamental question that each student should ask:

'Should I blindly follow teachings?' Wait! This needs thought. I will come back

again on this in another post!



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